Stress, Shopping, and Shame are the hallmark words to describe this time of year. We stress over all the parties, cards, recipes, lists, exams, vacations, etc. that we need to plan and/or prepare for. We shop nonstop for deals, gifts, and food. Finally, we feel shame over how much we eat, mistakes we’ve made, people we’ve let down, poor time management, and overreactions that come from either the stress or shopping. None of this has the joy, happiness, or peace that we read in many Christmas cards, signs, and commercials. Is this the great paradox of Advent? NO! It’s just the foolishness of consumerism and not knowing the “reason for the season.”
Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m very much in the world and understand that Christmas is no longer a “religious” celebration. As sad as that is, it’s a reality. We are all obligated to buy important people in our lives gifts, people are going to invite us to parties, we’re going to receive cards, and temptation will surround us to have one more cookie or piece of pie. This is part of the holiday now and theres no escaping it. BUT, it doesn’t have to be full of stress, shopping, or shame.
Shopping really comes down to time management, priorities, and budget so I’m not going to focus on that. Stress can be relieved through daily prayer, especially silent prayer (or meditation). Find at least 5 minutes a day to sit in silence and bring your cares, anxieties, and stress to our Lord in prayer. Tell Jesus about your stress and ask him to take it away. Ask Jesus what you can do to solve your stressful problems. Honestly, the hardest part of prayer is LISTENING for God’s response. Don’t tell me God doesn’t respond when you never give him a chance to. Prayer will solve your stress and even relieve some of your shame.
To really fix any shame you feel, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is best. The original shame we see in the scriptures came after Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge and they realized they were both naked (Genesis 3: 9-11). Jesus gave us the merciful Sacrament of Reconciliation so we can be freed from the burden of Shame and see ourselves as we were created: beloved children of God.
Advent is a time to truly feel joy, peace, and happiness. Once we adopt a daily habit of prayer, go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation regularly, and attend Sunday Mass I PROMISE you will feel the joy, peace, and happiness that come with the Christmas season. Don’t let this Advent season go to waste. It this time of year was truly meant for stress, shopping, and shame then why bother? Who wants that? Let Christ in and watch your life be transformed.