Today’s Gospel (2/23/17) is a perfect reflection for us as we begin to prepare for Lent. Jesus tells us that if a limb on our body causes us to sin, then we need to cut it off. For it is better to enter the Kingdom of God missing a limb than be thrown into the fires of hell. It’s obvious, I hope, that Jesus doesn’t want us to start cutting off our limbs and plucking out our eyes; rather, Jesus is asking us to look at our lives and see what have or what we are doing that causes us to sin.
As Lent quickly approaches (less than a week away) we need to start discerning what we plan to fast from this Lenten season. The Lenten fast shouldn’t be a time to renew failed new years resolutions. God did not give us the season of Lent so we can lose weight in time for beach season. We have this beautiful season of Lent to spiritually and physically prepare ourselves to become Saints and enter the eternal kingdom of heaven.
So, what in your life is causing you to sin and not share God’s love? What are those things, or even people, in your life that remove your focus from Jesus and being a faithful disciple? This is what we need to prayerfully discern these coming days so that we can decide to fast from those things and, hopefully, come Easter Sunday we will be set free from those sins and that particular sinful pattern.
And so, my brothers and sisters, join me in reflecting on those things we all need to fast from. I know for myself, I watch way to much Netflix when I should be doing some reading, writing, and praying. Another problem I need to work on is my prudential judgement when it comes to sweets. Do I really need to eat a dessert after dinner every night? No. But these are things I will be taking to prayer and I invite you to do the same as well.