One week into the quarantine and I’m not climbing the walls…yet! This past week has been very odd not having the rectory office open, not seeing parishioners, not seeing our school children, and not having any meetings! I never thought I would miss meetings!
Among the many fears people are facing amid quarantines and sheltering in places, isolation and loneliness can be something many of us will face. It doesn’t matter if we are in a house full of people or not, loneliness and isolation isn’t just for those who are physically by themselves. This state of mind is something the evil one loves to play with because it’s when we feel alone that we will believe any lie the evil one throws at us.
So how do we combat loneliness and isolation amid quarantines? First, get out of the house if you can. Go for walks, get to stores if you can, and visit with friends/family (no more than 10 people at a time). While we don’t have to be totally alone to feel isolated, it doesn’t help to be physically alone. Second, be open and honest with friends and family about your feelings. If you’re afraid, angry, frustrated, anxious, etc. then you need to talk about it. Expressing your feelings to another person is very important because they will help us put light on potential lies from the evil one.
Finally, we need to PRAY! Just as it’s important to spend time with people and to talk about our feelings, it’s equally important to bring our thoughts, feelings, and desires to God. One bright side to this recent quarantine is that we can finally schedule our day around prayer rather than trying to fit prayer into our day. Being in conversation and communion with the Blessed Trinity will remind us of God’s love for us, that we are created in His image and likeness, and that Jesus is our brother.
Friends, as we continue into this unprecedented time, lets recommit ourselves to a habit of daily prayer. I’ve written a lot on prayer, feel free to use past posts to help you. Either way, make sure you are seeing people (safely), talking about your feelings honestly, and bringing everything to God daily in prayer.