Today’s celebration of the Holy Innocents teaches us that when we focus on worldly power, major destruction happens to the world around us and we become apathetic to it. Lets look at both accounts of children being killed in the Scriptures. First we read of the massacre of children in the book of Exodus when Pharaoh is scared that the Hebrew people will overpower the Egyptians. Pharaoh, like all other monarchs, never want to lose their worldly power. The enslaved Hebrews are growing in numbers and that terrifies Pharaoh because they may become stronger than his own army. So, he advances a plan to kill Hebrew baby boys to stop slow down their “overpopulation.” Well, we know how this story ends: Moses is saved and becomes God’s advocate for the chosen people and frees them from slavery while killing Pharaoh.
The second account of infant massacre is in the Gospel of Matthew where King Herod, after learning of the birth of the King of the Jews, orders all infant boys to be killed throughout Judea. Why? Because he is fearful that this new born King will one day defeat him and take away his worldly power. Well, it turns out Herod had every reason to be fearful because Christ did win. It’s absurd to think someone would go through so much trouble and such a horrible event just for worldly power. All the innocent lives that are taken so one person, or a group of people, can remain comfortable and in charge.
Unfortunately, this still goes on today. How many of our world leaders are really just looking out for themselves and their friends? How many of our own civic leaders in smaller communities are just looking out for themselves and hurting the poor? How many companies are underpaying their employees but corporate higher-ups are getting bonuses? And how many children are being killed by the sin of abortion so that parents can remain “comfortable” in their lives?
Christmas reminds us that all life is sacred and all human beings are able to receive divine power (which is eternal) to make the world a place of peace, love, joy, and hope. The Christ child did this. Our Blessed Mother did this. Every Saint of the Church did this. We have been created by God, out of love, so that we can share love, who is God (1 John 4:8) with everyone we meet. Start now.