As a priest I’m often asked about discernment and how to discern anything from Vocation to career to everyday life decisions. I consider it a great privilege that people come to me seeking advice in this area; however, while I have discerned my own vocation I’m still no expert. So while I consider it a great privilege, it’s also humbling for me to remember that I don’t have all the answers and I’m still discerning things in my own life and priestly ministry.
I thought in this short post that I would outline a very practical and easy to follow plan for spiritual discernment. Again, this is for all discernment from a priestly or religious vocation to discerning a major/career to even a family discerning where to vacation or how to spend money. The steps are not in a particular order…they are meant to be done together within your spiritual life.
These three steps (not in order of importance) are crucial to proper discernment. If we want to know how God is calling us to share His love in the world we need to be in communication with him (daily prayer), become more like Him (receiving the Eucharist), in all humility (Sacrament of Reconciliation), and with people we trust (a Spiritual Director).