One of the many things that make Catholicism unique is the Blessed Trinity. We’re the only religion that I know of who practices a monotheistic faith and believes that our one God has three divine persons. Next to our devotion to the Blessed Mother and our teaching on the Eucharist; explaining the Blessed Trinity is among the most difficult to understand. We always have to start with “it’s a mystery.” Nothing drives me more crazy than resorting to that line; however, its not just a line. It’s the truth. For some people, like me, humbling ourself includes recognizing that I can’t understand everything…and that’s OK!
Now, in all honesty, we don’t have to look too far to find an example of the Most Holy Trinity. We only have to look at married couples. In the Sacrament of Marriage the two persons become one new person (or one flesh). Married couples mirror the Blessed Trinity for us. St. Augustine, in my opinion, has the best explanation for the Trinity: the Father loves the Son; the Son loves the Father; and the Love between them, uniting them, and creating the world is the Holy Spirit. In the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony the husband loves his wife; the wife loves her husband; and the love between them unites them together into one flesh and creates a family. The Trinity is three persons in one God and the married couple is two persons in one flesh. Granted, the married couple are two human persons and the Trinity are three divine persons; but, the mystery and reality are the same.
What I love most about our Blessed Trinity is that our God, from the core of His very being, is relational. God needs to be in relationships. If God wasn’t in a relationship, He would cease being God because the Trinity would no longer be. How wonderful is that? God can’t and never will be alone or isolated. Isolation was never part of Gods plan. We need to learn from and mimic this. God wanted to be in relationship so much that he created more beings that He could enter relationship with. Contrary to popular belief, the scriptures are not about humans searching for God; they are entirely about Gods search for us! God richly desires a relationship with each one of us. That’s why we were created!
Friends, as we celebrate this Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, focus today on your relationship with the Blessed Trinity.
If you pray every day then ask yourself: “how is my relationship with each individual person of the Trinity? Click here for an older post on how Mary has a relationship with each person of the Trinity.
If you don’t pray every day then START! Set aside a certain amount of time each day (doesn’t have to be long…start with 5 minutes) and give that time to God alone. Even if you just sit in silence for the whole time thats OK! Give that time to God.
Know of my prayers for each of you and I ask you to pray for me. Lets grow in our relationship with the Trinity together!