Many different things have surprised me during this pandemic, some positive and some negative. One aspect that surprises me and also confuses me is the response taken by so many pro-choice politicians and citizens. What surprises me is their, the pro-choice people, quick decision (and agreement from the non-decision makers) to take away personal choices that our bodies should be allowed to make due to the pandemic. These lawmakers are absolutely ok taking away my choice to have my hair cut, walk around without a mask in my face, be close to people I love and don’t live with, eat dinner is a fancy restaurant, even go to the park or beach.
All of these choices I should be allowed to make with my body, I have been forced to abstain from in the name of public health. Now, before I continue, I agree with all these precautions. I have no problems with social distancing or wearing masks. I understand and agree with the shelter in place orders. I’m just surprised the pro-choice people are ok with taking these choices away in the name of public health. The hypocrisy can be seen from other galaxies.
When we look at the abortion arguments made by pro-choice people, they are always quick to say “my body, my choice.” Who cares about the baby inside the womb, it’s another person’s womb, so it’s their choice. The government shouldn’t be able to tell women what to do with their bodies. Religions shouldn’t be able to tell women what to do with their bodies. Parents shouldn’t be able to tell their daughters under the age of 18 what to do with their bodies. YET, during a pandemic, the government can force me to abstain from nearly anything in the name of public health. That doesn’t add up.
What has also surprised me is hearing the same pro-choice politicians talking about caring for the most vulnerable during this pandemic: the elderly. I’m so happy to hear the government care about the health and well being of people, especially those most vulnerable. I just pray that same care and concern shifts to those who are truly the most vulnerable: the unborn. Until our federal and state lawmakers see that the human person inside a woman’s womb is the most vulnerable in society AT ALL TIMES (not just during a pandemic), then maybe we can take choices away IN THE NAME OF PUBLIC HEALTH that prevent the murder of those vulnerable children.
It is my hope and prayer that this pandemic will help pro-choice people see the error of their arguments and have a deep conversion of heart to really protect the lives of all people. Clearly, they are no longer pro-choice because they have proven they’re ok with choices being taken away from us by the government to help save lives. Hopefully, they will see the are not pro-choice, they are only pro-abortion which is pro-murder of innocent human beings.
Let’s continue to pray for our nation to grow in its respect for all human life from conception to natural death.